Wenxin Zhang
张文馨,目前在亚马逊负责一搬砖小队。 一个孩子的母亲。不喜欢做饭,但有无限的热情尝试新事物。 疫情期间开始研究幼儿启蒙教育。持有蒙台梭利3-6岁的教育证书和一年机构的实习经验。2023下半年接手中文会话一班。今年继续带领孩子们遨游汉语世界。
Ms. Wenxin is currently working as a project finance manager at Amazon. Outside of work, she enjoys trying new things and creates new experiences with her family. Ms. Wenxin is Montessori Primary certified. She started teaching AC1 in 2023. She will continue to lead AC1, exploring the world of Chinese language learning.