Fiona Wong 和Kayleigh Earnest
Fiona Wong,工程硕士,曾为多家工程公司工作。因为热爱舞蹈和舞蹈教学,放弃大公司的工程师职位和丰厚报酬,为East Link Academy工作数年。目前返回工程领域。为了保证舞蹈班的教学质量,她特地前往亚特兰大自费学习编舞,精心创作每一份舞蹈作品,设计孩子们喜爱的闪亮的舞蹈服装。她还曾带领舞蹈班的孩子们参加多次舞蹈比赛,捧回奖杯。为中文学校树立了舞蹈教学的典范。今年她要和女儿Kayleigh一起带领中文学校的舞蹈班,继续为学校教学增添不可或缺的色彩。
Kayleigh,Mauldin High School高中一年级的学生。两岁开始跟着妈妈在中文学校跳舞,四岁开始学习芭蕾,目前已经有十年的芭蕾舞龄了。今年Kayleigh愿意跟随妈妈加入中文学校,部分承担起编舞和授课的任务,锻炼跟孩子们磨合以及编舞的能力。为她加油!
Fiona holds an Engineering Master Degree, has ever worked for multiple Engineering companies. She loves performance dance and dedicates herself in dance education. She used to give up a decently paid engineering job, and joined East Link Academy to become a performance art teacher. Currently, she returns back to an Engineering position now. She is still heavily supporting Chinese School with her years of dedication in leading the dance class.
To improve the quality of the choreography works, she drove hours between Greenville and Atlanta constantly to learn in a dance choreography program. She choregraphs the dance pieces with details into every corner, and designs the stunning costumes, which is one of the most attractive parts to the girls. She also led the girls participate in dance competitions and constantly became top winners. She absolutely builds herself as a model for the School because of her passion and the power in execution. This year she will work together with her daughter Kayleigh to lead the dance class. The School can't run without the beautiful shinning colors from the culture dance performance led by her.
Kayleigh, a freshman in Mauldin High School. She started to learn dancing from her mom in Chinese School when she was two. Then she started learning ballet at four and so far has 10-year ballet dancing age. This year, Kayleigh would like to support her mom Fiona to teach the dance class in the School and experiences choreography and training of the young girls. Let's shout out for her!