oct 5, 2024 updated classroom layout
下面是更新的教室分布图,其中只有三个班有改动AC1b(儿童中文汇话1b),B1(数学1), 和A2(中文二年级)。如果您的孩子是这几个班的学生,如果对方位不清楚,明天来的时候请询问前台的老师。
Hi all,
Please see the below updated classroom layout. The changes are applied only to the below classes: AC1b, B1 and A2. If your child/children are in these 3 classes, and if you're not clear about the location of these classrooms, please ask the front desk teachers when you get in tomorrow.
Here're a few notes:
1) The new room for AC1b and B1 could be temporary. As long as the old room in the kids zone is fixed, these two classes can move back to the kids zone. We will inform you once the construction is completed.
2) The old room for A2 has no influence from the hurricane. It is a small room and we would like to give it a try to see if the teacher and the students like the new room better with bigger space.
oct 4, 2024 School is resumed this Sunday 10/6
这里我们通知大家这个周日为正常授课日。请大家计划好周日按时到校上课。The Fold Church刚刚通知我们倒在房上的树已经被清理掉。有一间教室目前不能使用(目前了解的情况是AC1b),其它房间都可以安全使用。我们会到现场了解情况,做好适当安排,让每个班级的孩子们能够有合适安全的房间上课。
如果您的班级老师曾经跟您联系询问Zoom网上授课的可行性,请忽略那个问题。一两天前我们曾经跟老师们商量是否上网课,因为当时The Fold告诉我们倒下的树还没有清理掉。目前情况已经变了,church的安全情况改变了。所以这里我们跟大家澄清一下。谢谢!
Hi everyone,
We hope you and the family have been making good progress in recovery from the damage of Hurricane Helene.
We have a good news that this Sunday the School will be resumed. Please plan to come on time for the classes. The Fold Church informed us that the falling trees have been removed and the yard was cleaned up. The most of the rooms in the building can be safely used except the one in the far left corner in the kids ministry zone. We will make a good plan on the classrooms and make sure every kid is in a safe environment.
If you have received a survey from the teachers that asked if you are okay with a Zoom online class for this Sunday, please ignore this survey. We did request the teachers to connect with their class families to make a plan for this Sunday. That was because we didn’t receive a positive feedback from the Fold mid of the week. luckily they updated us after 2pm today (Friday). I hope we clarify if there’s any confusion. Otherwise, please do let us know.
Thank you all! See you on Sunday!
sept 28, 2024 School is CANCELED tomorrow 9/29
The Fold Church目前也受到几棵倒树的影响,不能安全使用。我们会及时通知大家下周的安排。如果设施恢复很快,下周日会正常上课,否则可能需要临时设置网课。请大家静等消息。谢谢!
Dear School families,
Believe every family has been experiencing the damaging power from hurricane Helene in the couple of days. We hope everybody stays safe. Due to the damage from the rain and the wind gust, tomorrow 9/29 the School is CANCELED. Leave the opportunity for the families to clean up the mess in the yard and the house and recover the life. If possible, please connect with each other and offer capable help when needed.
The Fold Church got influence from the falling trees and it is not safe to occupy this weekend. We will inform everyone to arrangement for the next week. If everything recovers quickly, we could come back to normal school day. Otherwise, we may set up temporary Zoom class if needed. We will keep you updated and appreciate your patience.
Also the check deposit plan has to be delayed to next weekend. Please make sure your bank account has the fund to support this withdrawal.
Thank you all!
sept 21, 2024 A Demo Dance & Music Class on 9/22 by Ben & Ashley Vasquez
这里提醒大家,明天在中文学校4点将会有一场街舞和唱歌的演示和体验课,由Benjamin Vasquez和Ashley Vasquez来带领。他们是我们的新朋友感兴趣的家庭欢迎来观摩体验!今天在Furman的中秋活动上,Ashley施展了她的歌喉,演唱了中英文歌(月亮代表我的心);Ben展示了他的街舞表演,并且带领大人小孩们一起现场学动作,最后做了集体表演。非常精彩,特别有能量!大家都特别开心!明天又是我们的一次机会,千万别错过哦!如果有兴趣,我们争取能把他们留下来为我们开设课程,把快乐留住!
Happy Saturday, everyone!
A kind reminder: tomorrow at 4pm, there will be an inspiring demo dance and singing class at the School, to be led by Ben and Ashley. They are our new friends and are very talented. Welcome you and your students experience this demo and don't miss it!
Today in the Moon Festival celebration event, Ashley exposed her powerful voice, sang both Chinese and English songs. Very impressive! Ben demoed a short hip pop dance, and also led people there for a live learning. At the time, the children and adults were all following Ben and nobody was shy at all. The demo was finished with a live performance on the stage with freshly learned movements. Ben and Ashley indeed grabbed everybody’s eyes and attention! Everybody had fun and we all loved it!
Hope see you tomorrow then!
Sept 16, 2024 A Demo Dance & Music Class on 9/22 by Ben & Ashley Vasquez
向大家宣布一个好消息,下周日9月22日4点在中文学校将举办一场演示课程:街舞和演唱,由我们的新朋友Benjamin Vasquez (龙俊) 和Ashley Vasquez带领。
Ben和Ashley是一对年轻夫妇,他们有很深的舞蹈和音乐造诣。Ben于2010-2019年在成都生活了9年,曾在川大和西南民族大学学习中文。他热衷于教学,特别是教授舞蹈,专长于街舞和国际hip pop 舞蹈研究。在过去的20年中,他曾教授过舞蹈,也参加过舞蹈比赛,更做过裁判。他擅长教授儿童和培训舞蹈老师,曾因此去过13个国家,65个中国城市。Ben有一颗热爱和尊重中国文化的诚心。返回美国后他愿意继续服务于中国社区做文化交流,与有中国文化背景的家庭建立美好的连接。
Dear School families,
I am very excited to announce that next Sunday on Sept 22, there will be a demo dance and singing class at 4-4:45pm in the School, led by our new friends Benjamin Vasquez and Ashley Vasquez.
Ben and Ashley are a young American couple. Each of them has deep skills in dance and music. Ben has a deep respect and connection to Chinese culture. He had lived in Sichuan Chengdu China for 9 years. In 2010-2019, Ben studied at 四川大学 and 西南民族大学 learning Mandarin Chinese. His passion is teaching and specifically teaching dance. His profession is 街舞老师 and hip hop international studies. Ben has taught, competed, and judged international dance events and in studios for the last 20 years. His specialty is teaching kids and also training dance teachers. He has traveled to 13 countries for this career and over 65 cities in China. Ben is in favor of serving Chinese people and build communities that can have a cultural exchange.
Ashley has been to over 18 countries and has performed on stage with over 20,000 people in attendance. She has choreographed dance performances, sang in 7 different languages, and has been an advocate for young people throughout Africa and Europe. Growing up in a musical family, her grandfather played multiple instruments and sang constantly. Her parents would encourage creative writing, singing, composing, spoken word poetry, art, playing instruments, and learning how to create short films. When she was a child, her grandfather traveled throughout Asia, building orphanages and shelters for those less fortunate. Since then, she knew giving back and serving others was important to her. For 15 years, Ashley has taught dance and singing to youth in the U.S., to orphans in Africa and to refugees in Scandinavia. She has also been a Creative Arts Director and Case Manager for at-risk youth in an effort to use art and music as a therapeutic tool for behavioral change. She has taught art classes and singing lessons to young students and helped revitalize a creative arts program that was almost canceled. Ashley has also been serving the elderly for nearly 10 years as a nursing assistant, singing and using music as a therapy to give moments of clarity back to those with dementia and Alzheimers. Her dream is to eventually run her own Creative Arts Company as a place to hear stories from our youth and teach different forms of creativity.
Ben and Ashley just moved from New York to Greenville. We're so glad to connect with them, and invited them to come to the School for this demo class. At the time, please hold your steps and join us to watch the Ben's dance and listen Ashley's songs, and have a short learning experience with them. If we do see enough interest from the families, we will invite Ben and Ashley to stay with the School and teach the dance and singing class. We hope Ben and Ashley's influence could bring more colors and energy to the School.
We have posted Ben and Ashley's pictures on the School website https://www.greenvillechineseschool.org/whats-new, including the links to their short Youtube videos. Please enjoy!
Sept 14, 2024 GCCA Moon Festival celebration 9/21 at Furman Amphitheater
中秋佳节即将来临。祝大家中秋圆月家家团圆!华协GCCA将在下周六9月21日在Furman Amphitheater主办中秋庆祝活动,鼓励大家积极参与。中文学校是GCCA的一部分,对GCCA的支持也是对中文学校的支持。华协每年举办几次节日庆祝活动,搭起连接社区家庭的纽带;中文学校通过每周的语言教学和课外活动把社区家庭们连接得更加紧密;两者相辅相成。希望我们逐渐抛开几年疫情对社区活动的负面影响,重新活跃起来!期待在中秋活动中见到大家!下面转载GCCA的活动宣传信息。
2024年9月21日 格林维尔华人协会主办的中秋户外庆祝活动:
地点:Furman Amphitheater,3300 Poinsett Hwy, Greenville, SC 29613
请点击在线注册此次活动 https://forms.gle/7tYLzC9ssyderQ6z9 帮助预测准备足够的美食。
热忱欢迎绿城华人携家人朋友参加此次活动。 如果您希望交更多的朋友,来到华人大家庭,千万不要错过这个活动!
Dear Chinese School families,
The Moon Festival is coming soon. We wish you enjoy the bright full moon night and the affection of the family.
Greenville Chinese Culture Association (GCCA) is organizing a celebration event on Sept 21 at the Amphitheater of Furman University. We strongly encourage you to join the fun. Chinese School of Greenville is under the umbrella of GCCA. Supporting GCCA is to equally support the School. GCCA is responsible of bonding the community families through holiday events, while the School serves the families through weekly language education opportunities and extra curriculum activities. Both assist each other. We hope the families come together again and revive from the post-pandemic influence.
Here's event details.
Event theme: 2024 Moon Festival Outdoor Celebration
Activities: Lunch, Moon cakes, stage performance, greeting old friends, making new friends
Date & Time: Sept 21, Saturday, 11am-3pm
Venue: Furman Amphitheater
Address: Furman Amphitheater,3300 Poinsett Hwy, Greenville, SC 29613
Please click here to register online https://forms.gle/7tYLzC9ssyderQ6z9 to help the headcounts.
GCCA members: free
Non GCCA member: $10/person, $30/family
GCCA membership: $30/person, $50/family annually
Would like to make more friends? Don't miss it!
Happy Moon Festival!
Sept 3, 2024 School resumes on Sunday Sept 8th & payment is due
Hi all,
I hope everyone had a great long weekend! Here a kind reminder that the school will resume this Sunday Sept 8th. Hope see you all then!
In the meanwhile, this is the last school day for the trial lesson. Please take the opportunity to finalize the class selection. This would help your child/ren fit him/herself or themselves into the classrooms and keep up the learning. In case if you haven't submitted the payment, and you also decide to have the students stay with us for the whole school year, please work with our administrators after the trial classes for the finalization of the classes and the payment. We will appreciate your support and collaboration!
aug 26, 2024 No School this Sunday Sept 1st
家长值日日历GCCA 中文学校 - Calendar (greenvillechineseschool.org已经排出第一版,请大家浏览。如果您不能在预定的日期来值日,请提前告诉我们,我们会提前修改。另外,我们也会每周向值日家庭发出邮件提醒。
Hi everyone,
A kind reminder, next Monday is Labor Day. According to our school calendar, there will be NO school this coming Sunday Sept 1st.
We already had two school days with lessons. Some students already settled with classes that fit. But some do need another trial. Please use the next school day finalize.
For those families who already determine which classes the student/s would go, please allow us sometime to align the payments. We will clean up if there're changes in the tuitions and fees.
In addition, the first version of parents on duty calendar has been published GCCA 中文学校 - Calendar (greenvillechineseschool.org. Please review it and let us know if you need the dates changed. We will send email reminder every week to make sure you won't miss it.
Thank you! Wish you a smooth week and a happy Labor Day weekend!
Aug 24, 2024 updated classroom layout & C2 is split into dance club & art club
Good evening everyone!
Last week it was the first time for the students to step into their classrooms and have the first lesson. It was a little messy when everyone was trying to find the classroom. But we finally settled down. Thanks for everyone's effort and patience! According to the students distribution in each classroom, we have made slight adjustment on the classroom layout. Please reference below, including the class code decoding.
In the meanwhile, we would like to announce that the Children Chorus class C2 is changed and split into two clubs: Children dance club C2a, and Drawing and Painting art club C2b. We have invited our high school students to run the clubs. These high school students, with their expertise, do have the energy and the enthusiasm to serve for the community. We're more than happy to have them and encourage them. If your children have the interest, welcome to join the clubs! If your high school students have expertise in these fields, please encourage them to contact us and join the club leader groups.
We would love to have your thoughts and suggestions!
See you tomorrow!
Aug 18, 2024 Classroom layout
另外,Mary老师想邀请在大厅等待孩子的妈妈们加入健身舞练习。目前因为空间紧张,只有大厅这个地方空出来,请大家见谅。 附件中有Mary做的计划,请参考。
Good morning everyone!
Today when you send the students to the school, please reference the below classroom layout to find the classroom. This is first time to have lesson in the new semester, and the layout is subjected to change. We will keep you updated.
In addition, Ms Mary Adams would like to invite the parents who are waiting in the lobby to join a physical exercise. At this point, the space is limited. Attached is the agenda.
Thank you and see you in the afternoon!
Aug 7, 2024 1st Day of School Aug 11 starting @3pm
大家好!非常高兴向大家宣布这个周日8月11日中文学校开学啦! 感谢过去这些天来大家对中文学校的密切关注,为孩子们注册计划今年在中文学校的学习。
地点:1313b Miller Rd, Greenville SC 29607
- 交学费和Medical release form (进门大厅)
- 请大家下载这个medical release form文件
Registration and Medical Release Form.pdf - Google Drive
- 学费:如果您已经在网上注册过了,您应该收到一封确认邮件,里面有计算好的学费总额。但在准备支票时,不先着急写上学费总额,等到学校跟注册人员核对好了再写
- 如果您不确认孩子报的班是否合适,请先到老师那里了解情况,根据老师的推荐确定班级。
- 家长值日押金$120: 请写一张单独的支票。我们不会存入支票,期待各位父母能够支持学校,帮助完成家长值日,学年结束时只要任务完成我们会归还支票。谢谢大家支持!
- 跟老师见面 (各班教室,classroom layout to come)
- 老师们会在安排的教室等待学生,这是很好的机会家长跟老师有沟通,了解教学计划,教科书计划,回答问题,等等
Hello everyone,
We're very excited to announce that our first day of School is this coming Sunday Aug 11! We really appreciate your attention to the movement of the school and sign up for your children to plan for their study with the school.
Below please see the plan for the first day of school:
Date&Time: 3-4:30pm Aug 11
Location: The Fold Church, 1313b Miller Rd, Greenville SC, 29607
- Complete the registration (in the lobby)
- Before come to the school, please download the medical release form Registration and Medical Release Form.pdf - Google Drive and fill in the required information, and sign, and bring to the school on Sunday
- Tuition: If you have registered online, you should be able to receive a confirmation email which summarize what classes you signed up for and the total expected amount of tuition. Please don't write the amount on the check yet until you verify with the administration team there in the school.
- If you are not sure about if the classes you signed up fit for your child/ren, please meet the teacher and get the teacher's recommendation.
- Parent-on-duty deposit check $120: this will be a separate check from the tuition. We won't cash it out. We expect you to conduct the parent-on-duty and will return the check at the end of the school year. We appreciate your collaboration!
Meeting the teacher (will send out the classroom layout before Sunday)
- The teachers will be waiting for you in the assigned classroom. This will be a good opportunity to talk to the teachers, get to know the teaching plan, textbooks, answer your questions, etc.
If you haven't registered, and still plan to, the online registration is still open.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!
aug 3, 2024 early registration ends at Aug 6
a) 高中数学SAT
b) 少儿合唱团
c) 国际象棋俱乐部安排在第三节课
d) 继续成人中文交流俱乐部,安排在第二节课
e) 由于缺老师,目前没有开设少儿舞蹈和绘画。但是我们仍然寻求有特长和有能力的老师,带领社区丰富孩子们的生活,和社区家庭的生活。如果您愿意奉献,请联系我们。我们会随时开课。谢谢!
a) 课程设置:https://www.greenvillechineseschool.org/classes
b) Google form填写注册信息:https://www.greenvillechineseschool.org/registration
c) 2024-2025年中文学校校历:https://www.greenvillechineseschool.org/calendar
Hi everyone,
There are a few days left before the early registration deadline Aug 6. If you plan to sign up for you or your children, please take the advantage to submit the registration application as early as possible to enjoy the $10/student registration fee. The regular registration fee is $40/student.
Here we would like to give some hint for the registration, summarized from the questions/issues from the past couple of days.
1) Please open the registration webpage under WiFi environment, otherwise the page could be loaded very slow, and you may encounter issues with not being able to flip the page. When you do see loading the page very slow, please be patient, and wait a little bit until the page could be flipped.
2) If you noticed you made a wrong class selection and you would like to make a change, two ways you can change
a) Resubmit a new application with the correct course selection, this way you will be able to receive a summary email with the correction. When pay the tuition on Aug 11, please request the administrator to ignore the first application.
b) Please connect us and tell us what to change, and we can make the change on the background. But you would not receive a summary email with the correction. When you pay the tuition on Aug 11, please request the administrator to recalculate the tuition according to the correction.
If you have big changes, please use approach a)
3) If you have other questions, please contact us
4) Highlight for this year's course offering
a) A new class: B6 High school SAT math
b) Children chorus is new
c) The Chess club is moved to Session C (4:00-4:55pm)
d) Continue to offer Adult conversation club, at Session B (3:00-3:55pm)
e) Due to lack of teacher resource, we do not offer children's dance and painting and drawing class this year. But we encourage you to contact us if you are capable of teaching these areas, or you have the background in these areas. This could help enrich our life, benefit the families in the community.
5)Important links:
a) Class offering: https://www.greenvillechineseschool.org/classes
b) Registration: https://www.greenvillechineseschool.org/registration
c) School calendar: https://www.greenvillechineseschool.org/calendar
d)more about Chinese School:https://www.greenvillechineseschool.org
The first day of the school will be at Aug 11. We will send out the announcement in the next days to inform you the time to meet in the school. Please stay tuned.
Looking forward to seeing your sign up sheet!
JUL 21, 2024 school registration starts
今年我们就来个短平快的注册,提前注册优惠开放期从7月21日开放,截止至8月6日。考虑到很多家庭有远途旅行,大家纷纷赶在开学前回到Greenville,截止日期放在开学之前2 天。这里鼓励大家在可能的条件下尽量早些注册,一方面得到注册优惠,一方面帮助学校管理团队预测学生数量,安排老师。谢谢!
请大家首先登录学校网站了解可能设置的课程,再利用google form填写注册信息https://www.greenvillechineseschool.org/registration。
Dear Greenville Chinese families,
Happy summer! We're excited to announce that 2024-2025 School Registration is open now. The early registration benefit will end Aug 6, 2024, 2 days before the 1st day of school as Greenville County Schools schedule. We encourage you to registration by Aug 6, so you can enjoy the early registration benefit, and in the meanwhile help us collect information to arrange the teachers for each class.
Please first go to the school website to get to know the offered classes, then use the Google form to fill in the information. We will start the school on Aug 11, 2024. We will make another announcement for the school opening. Please also reference the school calendar.
We are looking forward to the response from everyone!
May 14, 2024 end of school year party info & event rules
May 7, 2024 parents on duty deposit check & party survey due on May 12th
Hi everyone,
It'll be the last School Day this coming Sunday on the 12th. We hope to see you on time in the School then.
Here we'd like to thank every family for your collaboration on parents on duty support. You all did your due diligence to help make the school properly function. If you would like to get back your $75 deposit check, this Sunday, please stop by the front desk. Ms Sarah will return the check back to you. If you don't care about it at all, we will void the check by May 20th. Please do let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Also a kind reminder, please click https://forms.gle/AfpPEoAj3BNdVfrm9 to return your feedback for End of School Year party survey. We will rely on this survey for the headcount to plan for the lunch, and assign the volunteer work, etc. We will close the survey by 5/12.
Thank you all!
Apr. 29, 2024 end of school year party survey
时间和安排:10:00-12:00 布置场地(志愿者),彩排(根据各班老师的要求)
12:00-1:00 免费午餐(所有人)
1:30-3:30 学期结业表演(所有人)
3:30 - 4:00 清理场地 (志愿者)
地点:Sterling School, 99 John McCarroll Way, Greenville, SC 29607
hi everyone,
Time flies! Hard to believe there are only two normal school days left. On May 19, we will have the End of School Year celebration party. Please mark your calendar and prepare to be there as much as possible, to celebrate the achievement from your hard work over the year.
Date: May 19th, 2024
Time & agenda: 10am-12pm Set up (Volunteers), rehearsals (per request from the teachers)
12-1pm Free lunch (all)
1:30-3:30pm Performance (all)
3:30-4:00pm Clean up (volunteers)
Where: Sterling School, 99 John McCarroll Way, Greenville, SC 29607
To better prepare for the event, please click here https://forms.gle/AfpPEoAj3BNdVfrm9 to sign up for the attendance as well as the volunteer work if you can. It will help us count heads and prepare enough food. We certainly look for volunteers!! Your effort will help form a stronger community, influence our children, and help build a decent growth environment.
In the meanwhile, we'd like to answer a common question lately from the parents: how many parent on duty days are required for a school year? The enrolled families are in general taking the turns. The total number of duty days could vary year from year. Since we don't have many families enrolled in this school year, some of the families have taken the duty 3 times. If you will send your children to the school next year, and if you haven't experienced 3 on duty days this year, you might be lucky to take the turn earlier next year. We do our best to be fair to every family. But it is hard to be absolutely equal effort for everyone, so if we don't do very well in the fairness, please excuse us. If we're lucky that we could have more enrollments, we wouldn't have to take that many turns. No matter how, the administration team will face the same number of school days to serve. Your involvement to support the school could more or less lift up some burdens off the administration team's shoulders. We share the common goal to build a stronger community and support the children's growth. Let's do it together! If you have better ideas for the parents on duty, please do let us know!
Thank you!
Apr. 17, 2024 thanks for participating the art fair & Mark the calender for the end of school year party on 5/19
时间和安排:10:00-12:00 布置场地(志愿者),彩排(根据各班老师的要求)
12:00-1:00 午餐(所有人)
1:30-3:30 学期结业表演(所有人)
3:30 - 4:00 清理场地 (志愿者)
地点:Sterling School, 99 John McCarroll Way, Greenville, SC 29607
Hello everyone,
We sincerely appreciate your participation to the Art Fair this past Sunday! For those who contributed your artworks for exhibition, thanks for your time and effort in preparing your artworks and showcase your creativity through your art forms! For those who visited the exhibition room and left your notes, comments or votes, your show-up and communication gave the greatest encouragement to the artists and the organization team. To acknowledge every artist's effort, we will be in contact with you to distribute a small gift.
We believe this event helps connect the families and friends in the community who love arts. This is the first time we open such channels, hopefully we can keep the channel long term open. We also believe this event has established a new template for us to communicate and exchange ideas between families and friends. If you like it, let's keep up!
After this Art Fair event, we will take a short break, and start to prepare for the next also the last event for this school year - the End of School Year Celebration Party. Please mark your calendar!
Date: May 19th, 2024
Time & agenda: 10am-12pm Set up (Volunteers), rehearsals (per request from the teachers)
12-1pm Lunch (all)
1:30-3:30pm Performance (all)
3:30-4:00pm Clean up (volunteers)
Where: Sterling School, 99 John McCarroll Way, Greenville, SC 29607
Thank you!
apr 9, 2024 Welcome to the Art fair this Sunday 4/14
展示的作品有各种艺术形式,油画,铅笔画,水彩,中国画,手工,乐高,等等。作者包括成人, 孩子,还有青少年。相信,当您驻足观看的时候,您会发现,原来在我们的周围有很多艺术爱好者,都很有天赋。也许您也是其中一员!
Hi everyone,
We sincerely invite you to join us for the first Greenville Chinese Art Fair this Sunday afternoon @1:30-5:00.
When you drop off your students to the school or pick them up from the school, please stay for 30-40mins, and walk around the exhibition rooms. There will be plenty of artworks in the exhibition for you to watch and enjoy. Some of the artwork are offered purchase opportunity.
There're various types of arts, oil painting, Chinese painting, watercolor, pencil drawing, Chinese calligraphy, crafts, legos, etc., some made by children, some by adults, and some by our teens. We really appreciate their contribution. Once you walk around, you would notice there're many great artists around us.
When you're here enjoying the arts and the creativity, we will appreciate it if you can leave your comments and suggestions. We believe this is great encouragement to our artists.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
apr. 1st, 2024 School resumes on Sunday 4/7 & Artwork submission for the Art Fair
Happy Monday everyone!
Here's a kind reminder that the school will be resumed this Sunday on April 7th. Looking forward to seeing you in the School on Sunday afternoon!
In addition, I'd like to remind everyone that we're less than two weeks away from Greenville Chinese Art Fair (which will be on April 14th during the school time). This Sunday 4/7 will be our artwork submission day. If you or your children are interested, please do let us know. We will add you to the distribution list and send you the detail artwork submission information. Appreciate your interest!
Mar. 25, 2024 No School on 3/31 & Enjoy Easter Holiday
Hi everyone,
It is the Easter holiday this weekend. Per the request from a few Christian families, we have marked NO SCHOOL for this weekend March 31 on the school calendar at the beginning of the year. Wish everyone enjoy the holiday weekend! See you on April 7th!
If you're interested in exhibiting your artwork and contributing to the Chinese Art Fair on April 14, please do contact us and we will share the details. We believe this weekend would be a good opportunity for you to work on your art project. Looking forward to seeing you in the art fair then.
Thank you!
Mar. 22, 2024 school resumes sunday 3/24 & Greenville chinese art fair on 4/14
Mar. 22, 2024 school resumes sunday 3/24 & Greenville chinese art fair on 4/14
· 时间: 1:30-5:00pm, 4月14日.
· 地点: The Fold Church (1313b Miller Road, Greenville SC 29607)
· 作者对象:成人,青少年,儿童
· 作品形式: 形式不限,如水彩,油画,国画,书法,铅笔画,丙烯画,手工作品,等等
· 作品要求:
o 要有作品陈述
o 如果是画作,成人作品建议有画框;青少年和儿童作品可以用展示板
o 数量:参考件5件
o 大小:最好不超过40英寸x40英寸
· 作品提交截止日期:4月7日, 5pm
具体细节请发Email gvlchineseschool01@gmail.com 联系我们,我们也会邀请您加入作者群解答疑难。
Hello everyone!
First a kind reminder that the School resumes this Sunday 3/24. We are looking forward to seeing you in the school then!
Second, we would like to announce a great news. Representing Greenville Chinese Culture Association, Chinese School of Greenville will organize 2024 Greenville Chinese Art Fair on April 14. This is the first time that the School organizes such event, aiming to open the channel for the people in broader Greenville area who love the arts, enrich the community life color. Here’s the time and location of the event:
· Event time & date: 1:30-5:00pm, April 14.
· Location: The Fold Church (1313b Miller Road, Greenville SC 29607)
The Art Fair is themed Spring to welcome the coming of the beautiful season. We would like to call for artworks from our community families and your family friends, in the meanwhile to mark your calendar and welcome you to come to the Fair and enjoy the beauty of the art.
Call for artworks:
· Authors: Adults, teens, children
· Styles: Accept various art styles, including but not limited to water color, oil painting, drawing, Chinese painting, calligraphy, craft, etc.
· Artwork requirements:
o Artist statements
o Suggest framing but not required (especially for adult artworks), or could be on display/presentation panel (like children’s artworks)
o Quantity: 5 as a reference
o Size: better not be larger than 40”x40”
· Submission deadline: by 5pm on April 7th
Please contact us via gvlchineseschool01@gmail.com for the details, and we will also add you to the artist communication list to get answers for common questions.
谢谢!Thank you!
主办团队:Farong Zhu, Serena Li, Sarah Ren
Mar 11, 2024 Thanks for a great yoga lesson yesterday; no school on Mar 17
愿大家开始了愉快的一周!首先提醒大家,这个周日3月17日没有课。格林维尔county school从3月18日起放春假。大家尽情享受春天的明媚阳光!我们3月24日恢复上课。
其次,非常感谢Connie Rollins昨天抽出宝贵的周末休息时间,为我们带领了一堂很有韵味的瑜伽课。当时有数位家长朋友,还有小朋友参加。练完后,大家都神清气爽,收获满满;还不住地问,还有下一次吗?😉 众所周知,瑜伽的气息和动作舒展有意身心,有兴趣的朋友们找机会练起来吧!
Good evening, everyone!
We hope you had a great start of the week! First, a kind reminder that there will be no school this coming Sunday Mar 17. It'll be a spring break in Greenville County School district starting Mar 18. Wish everyone enjoy the glorious sunlight and bird chirping melodies with the family! We will resume the school on the following Sunday Mar 24.
In the meanwhile, we highly appreciate Connie Rollins generously opened her Sunday time and gave us an appealing yoga lesson yesterday. There were a few parents and little ones who joined the lesson. After the lesson, everyone looks refreshing, feels fulfilling. We heard often the question 'Do we have next opportunity?' 😁 We all hear about the benefits from yoga exercise, not only help balancing and strength, but also relieve the stress. If you're interested, we encourage you look for opportunity and take actions!
Thank you!
Mar. 9, 2024 REminder: Beginner Yoga class opportunity Mar 10
大家好!如果您还没有报名明天的瑜伽课,还来得及。请点击https://forms.gle/HdUBtKprPq4fV65d7 报名。请别忘了穿上舒适的适合舒展的衣服,并带上瑜伽垫。如果您需要看护孩子,请到前台告诉我们,我们会安排。明天3点在学校见。
Good evening, everyone!
If you haven't signed up for tomorrow's Yoga class, it is still not too late to put it in. Click https://forms.gle/HdUBtKprPq4fV65d7 Please wear comfortable clothes for Yoga movement, and bring a yoga mat. If you need child care, please let us know when you come in and we will arrange it.
In the meanwhile, we still have some school T shirts available. If you're interested in contributing to the school, please stop by the front desk.
Thank you! See you tomorrow!
Principal: Farong Zhu
Vice principal: Serena Li
Mar. 5, 2024 REminder: Beginner Yoga class opportunity Mar 10
这里提醒大家,这个周日我们会安排一节初学者瑜伽课,由瑜伽教练Connie带领。一个非常好的机会体验瑜伽的呼吸和动作,帮助增进血液循环,训练平衡能力,消减压力。请点击这里https://forms.gle/HdUBtKprPq4fV65d7 报名。3月10日 3:00,请到学校的auditorium,我们会在3:10正式开始。
Hi everyone,
A kind reminder, this Sunday we will organize a Yoga Beginner lesson, coached by Connie Rollins. This is a great opportunity to experience the breathing rhythm and the movement of yoga, which is a good exercise to improve the circulation, balancing and reduce pressure. Please do sign up here https://forms.gle/HdUBtKprPq4fV65d7 .
When: 3-3:55pm, Mar 10
Where: Auditorium at The Fold Church (1313b Miller Rd, Greenville SC 29607)
Feb. 24, 2024 Beginner Yoga class opportunity Mar 10
上周我们举办了非常成功的亲子活动。这里分享给大家一个新的好消息:3月10日下午3-3:55pm,Connie Rollins愿意为有兴趣的中文学校朋友开设一场初级瑜伽课。Connie是Esme小朋友的妈妈,是我们学校大家庭的一员,也是一位专业的瑜伽教练。感谢Connie在百忙之中愿意为中文学校的家庭提供这样的机会,为有兴趣的朋友打开了解瑜伽的一扇门。考虑到瑜伽特别需要的安静环境,我们会安排一个安静的空间。这节课课时30分钟或45分钟,Connie会根据报名者的情况来安排时间。如果您有兴趣,请点击这里 (https://forms.gle/HdUBtKprPq4fV65d7) 报名。届时请带上您的瑜伽垫子,穿上舒适的衣服。考虑到瑜伽的特殊性,我们期待您亲历亲为跟随教练做瑜伽,届时不开放观摩。谢谢理解!
Dear all,
We're excited to announce that the Parent Forum is planning a new event at 3-3:55pm on Mar 10 - a yoga lesson for beginners. Connie Rollins will be the coach.
Our school families are characterized with a variety of professional backgrounds. I am always excited to hear the stories about our outstanding parents and students. Connie is one of them. Connie is a professional yoga coach. We are very lucky that Connie would like to offer a yoga lesson for the beginners. This could open the opportunity for you to start exploring Yoga, if you haven't and are interested.
We will make sure to set up a quiet space for this activity. To make sure the participants feel comfortable, we only allow you to participate the lesson, no observation. Thanks for your understanding! Please sign up here (https://forms.gle/HdUBtKprPq4fV65d7) to let us know if you plan to join. By the time, please bring your own yoga mat and wear comfortable outfit to allow movement.
Looking forward to seeing you in the lesson!
Feb. 17, 2024 School resumes tomorrow 2/18 & Parenting activity 3-5pm
除此之外,明天3pm-4pm,4pm-5pm 将开展两场亲子足球游戏活动。如果您已经报名参加,请别忘了穿上舒适的运动鞋和休闲服,方便运动。如果您没有打算参加,也欢迎您和孩子观战,感受一下孩子们和爸爸妈妈们一起合作的气氛。活动将在教会里后面的大房间举行。谢谢!
Happy Chinese New Year everyone!
We hope you have been enjoying the flavor of the Dragon New Year. We will resume the school tomorrow with such flavor . Hope see you in the School on time tomorrow!
In the meanwhile, don't forget Coach Liu will lead us play the parenting games, at 3-4pm and at 4-5pm each. If you have signed up for the activity, please wear comfortable sportswear and tennis shoes. We will play with soccer. It'll be in the back room of the building. If you do not plan to participate the games, you're welcome to witness the collaboration between the children and their parents. It'll be fun!
Principal: Farong Zhu
Vice Principal: Serena Li
Feb. 7, 2024 亲子足球活动 Parenting games on 2/18 in School
时间:2024 年 2 月 18 日 4-5pm or 3-4pm (根据报名问卷确定)
地点:格林维尔中文学校 1313b Miller Rd, Greenville SC 29607
1. 亲子足球游戏:家长与孩子们将组成小队,一同展开欢乐的足球游戏,体验紧密配合和团队合作的乐趣。
2. 趣味挑战赛:精彩的足球挑战赛,将考验您们的球技和灵活应变能力,赢得丰厚奖品。
3. 技能指导:刘教练将为参与者提供足球技能指导,让您们全面提升足球技术。
4. 家庭互动:丰富多彩的家庭互动游戏,增进亲子感情,共同享受活动乐趣。
*限 10 组家庭,孩子年龄 6-16 岁 -- 请尽早报名,确保有位置!
Dear Chinese School families,
Earlier in the year, we promised to organize some after school activities to enrich our community life, and enhance the family relationship. We're glad to announce that the first event in the Dragon Year is a parenting game. This is an excellent opportunity for you and your child/children to experience the fun from soccer play and build up the team work and enjoy the family time.
Event details:
When: 3-4 or 4-5 (to be finalized per sign-up sheet), Feb 18, 2024
Where: 1313b Miller Rd, Greenville SC 29607
1. Format: child/ren team up with parent/s, play games with soccer, enjoy team work
2. Fun match: challenge other teams with the skills and flexibility, win with prizes
3. Clinics: Coach Lau will coach and help improve the soccer skills
4. Family interaction: enhance parent-child relationship
Please use the link https://forms.gle/zAMd9GhoLzuDC9YA9 to sign up, by Feb 12, 2024. The first 10 families (children 6-16) will be considered for the games. So please sign up as soon as possible.
If you love playing soccer, or if you plan to spend the time with the family, please join us and record the fun moment!
Kind reminder: please wear comfortable shoes and outfit for this active event...
Thanks for your attention and looking forward to your participation!
Feb. 4, 2024 Live Chinese painting demonstration tomorrow & Chinese New Year Celebration
首先是中国画观摩。学校历年都有绘画和书法课,但各种原因,这个学年开始时取消了该课程。现在有个好消息,Angela Liu一家是中文学校大家庭中的一份子。Angela的姥姥喜欢画中国画,‘自学成才‘姥姥很喜欢跟喜欢画画的人交流,包括小朋友们。明天(2月4日)上课期间,姥姥会带上她画画的宝贝在学校进门的大厅画画。如果有喜欢画画的欢迎来观摩,也可以自己上手画起来,并给姥姥加油。
地点 Where:BCBC - Brushy Creek Baptist Church (ARC Gym)
4999 Old Spartanburg Road, Taylor SC 29687
2024会员费 :
个人 $35;家庭 $50 (包括2024全年活动及电子会员卡享受商家、餐馆折扣
非会员此次活动收费:成人$15,儿童 $10(6到12岁),幼儿$5(2到5岁)
Hi everyone,
Hope everyone enjoys the weekend! Here we have 2 announcements.
Experience Chinese painting
Some parents feedback us through the survey that it would be good to offer more culture related activities. We believe the Chinese painting and calligraphy brilliantly reflects the culture. We cancelled the Chinese painting and calligraphy class at the beginning of the year due to various reasons. Good news is we are able to invite Angela Liu's grandma to come to the school and give us a live demonstration of Chinese painting. Tomorrow grandma will bring the brushes and painting materials, lively paint in the lobby of the School. Welcome you to watch her, join her and give applause for her.
GCCA Chinese New Year Celebration event
GCCA is planning and preparing the Dragon Year celebration event. We strongly encourage you to join the fun and feel the culture. Here's some brief information:
When: 10:00am - 3:00pm, Feb 17 (Saturday),
Where: BCBC - Brushy Creek Baptist Church (ARC Gym)
4999 Old Spartanburg Road, Taylor SC 29687
2024club membership fee:
Individual $35, Family $50 (Cover the GCCA events for the entire year, also enjoy discounts @in-network shops and restaurants)
Non member single event fee: adult $15,Children 6-12 $10,toddler 2-5 $5
For more details, please see the attached flyer.
Thank you!
Jan 27, 2024 Adult conversation club
Hi everyone,
We are going to have a few announcements today. But I have limited time to get the message organized. So let's do it step by step. First about Adult conversation club.
Lately, we have seen an increasing interest in improving verbal conversation in Chinese among adults. Taking some inputs from our families, we are thinking of opening an adult conversation club. Here's the draft plan for operating this club.
Time: 3-3:55pm on Sunday afternoon during school day, starting from Jan 28.
Where: Classroom AD, which is next to the back room A3 of the building
Who: any adults or young adults who would like to join
Club fee: $90 (this fee will include some basic materials needed for the activities. If more fund is needed, the club members and the leading teacher will discuss together how to collect the funds )
Contents: basic conversation, culture related, etc., really depends on the Chinese language level of the participating members. The members and the teacher are together to determine the topics.
Please let me know what you think and if you plan to sign up for this club, please stop by the front desk and let us know. Also if you have friends who may be interested, please help us advertise and invite. Thank you!
We will have a few more announcements to come. Stay tuned!
- 时间:周日下午3:00-3:55,利用学校授课时间,计划下周日1月28日俱乐部开始活动
- 地点:教室 AD (在教会的后面跟大教室A3相连)
- 参与人:成人或有兴趣的青少年
- 会员费:$90 (包括基本所需材料;如有大的支出,协调老师和会员商讨如何集资)
- 俱乐部话题内容:可以是基本口语交流,也可以加入文化话题,取决于会员们的兴趣和中文水平
Thank you!
Principal: Farong Zhu
Vice principal: Serena Li
Jan 24, 2024 Overview for Spring semester
Hello again!
We have sent out a few emails with different topics since beginning of the Year. We would like you to know that each topic is a piece of puzzle that we plan to do in the spring semester. Here we would like to give everybody an overview of the 'puzzle' through the above table so you could expect what to come in the next couple of months with the School. We will announce or update frequently for these events. We appreciate your attention, and in the meanwhile expect your active engagement!
JAN 21, 2024 YCT/HSK test
1. 老师们跟家长联系,确定有哪些孩子愿意报名
2. 各班老师帮助有意愿参加的学生找到合适的考试等级
3. 监考老师获得监考资格,这样学校才能够资格设立考点
4. 老师在平时课上加入一些内容帮助学生熟悉考试形式
5. 报名 -- 考试中心要通过考点收费,不同的级别考费略有不同(见下表);费用是交到汉语考试中心的,只是必须通过考点收集考费。学校不收学生的考试费用,完全义务服务。
6. 考试 -- 有几个固定的考试日期,目标是学期结束前的考试日。我们来试试看!
Hi everyone,
At the beginning of the semester, we sent out a survey to help the School improve. So far we got a total of 11 feedbacks. Really appreciate you share your opinions and make suggestions! Here we would like to give a summary of 'if you're interested in participating a Chinese language test': 7 Yes, 2 Maybe and 2 No. We treat this outcome representative over 40 families, so we plan to take action to open the opportunity for the students. This is the first time after pandemic we're considering organizing the test, and we notice the rules have changed. To achieve our goal, there're a few steps:
1. Teachers to reach out to the students and the parents to collect info on who would like to participate the test
2. Teachers to help identify the appropriate level for every student who is interested in participating
3. Teachers to take necessary steps to get qualified as the invigilators (only when the qualified invigilators are available, the School can be qualified as a testing site)
4. The teachers will plug in some materials during normal class time to help the students get familiar with the test format
5. Registration to the test - the participants need to pay the test registration fee to the Chinese Test Center not to the School. The School will facilitate this registration. The School and the teachers are purely voluntary here. The fees are different for different test level, see below. YCT should apply to most of our students.
6. Take the test - there're a few available test dates. Our goal is to work towards a date before end of the school year. Let's give it a try!
According to these steps, you will hear from the teachers about the test. We will appreciate your patience and collaboration. If we are stuck at a certain point, we will stop and adjust our strategy timely. Will keep you updated.
Thank you!
Principal: Farong Zhu
Vice Principal: Serena Li
jan 15, 2024 School fund raising - school T shirt
Dear parents,
I hope you are enjoying the holiday today. Here I would like to announce a school fundraising event. To advertise the school and help the school organize interesting events, we have ordered some T shirt with School's name printed on it and the shirt material is 100% cotton. Our Greenville calligraphy artist Mr. Jack Zheng wrote the School Chinese name for us, and we designed and ordered the shirts from China, and our teacher Ms Xiaolei transit them to Greenville during her international trip. Thanks Mr Jack and Ms Xiaolei! Hard to put a price on it. We suggest a $20 donation per shirt. If you do plan to donate, please let us know. We will open this fundraising next week, until the T shirt is gone. Since the logistics are complicated, we don't have many shirts in stock. First come first serve. If we do see the needs, we may order more, but we would need to know the size ahead of time.
In the meanwhile, we welcome any fundraising ideas. We will be humble and take reasonable actions. Thanks for your support!
Principal: Farong Zhu
Vice Principal: Serena Li
JAN 13, 2024 Normal school day tomorrow 1/14 & survey ends 1/20
这里想跟大家澄清明天中文学校正常上课,这是排在我们的学校日历上的。去年开学前安排校历,有建议希望中国新年能够放假,所以我们把2月11日那个周末做为无课日。为了保证我们每年有足够的授课日,我们决定保留马丁.路德.金这个节日前的周末授课。虽然跟Greenville County School的安排略有不同,但考虑到我们华人群体的特殊节日,希望大家都可以接受。谢谢理解!期待明天见到大家!
Hello everyone,
We'd like to clarify tomorrow it will be a normal school day, please prepare for being in the school on time tomorrow. This school day is printed on our school calendar before the school started last year. At the time, we heard that some families prefer to have a short break to celebrate Chinese New Year, and we think this is a reasonable ask. So we decided to have Feb 11 as a no-School day. To make sure we have enough school days over the entire year, we trade this day with the day right before Martin Luther King Day, which will be tomorrow as a normal school day. It does have a little difference from the Greenville County School calendar. But considering the Chinese New Year as the most important holiday for our Chinese community, we think this is a reasonable trade. We will appreciate your understanding.
In the meanwhile, in the last announcement, I included a survey link https://forms.gle/GhrevDLzVTHMksQx8 and asked for your involvement to provide feedback. To help both students and school make improvement, our teachers would like to get to know better about our families' expectation to the School. This could help us evaluate if it would be valuable to implement a few ideas, including assist the students for a YCT test, and offer Chinese story telling presentations, etc. If you haven't done so, please take a few minutes to go through the survey by 1/20. We will highly appreciate it.
Principal: Farong Zhu
Vice Principal: Serena Li
Jan 6, 2024 Chinese School will resume on Sunday Jan 7th
希望每一个家庭都渡过了一个美好的圣诞节和新年假期,有了一个崭新的开始!这个周日,中文学校又要启航了!希望见到同学们开心的笑脸和全新的面貌!期待周日下午1:30准时在The Fold Church见面。
Happy New Year, everyone!
We hope you all had a super relaxing holiday break, and have a brand new start for the New Year! This Sunday on Jan 7th, Chinese School will resume the normal class meetings at 1:30 at The Fold Church.
In the meanwhile, to help both students and school make progress, our teachers would like to have a quick survey (https://forms.gle/GhrevDLzVTHMksQx8) to get to know better about our families' expectation to the learning opportunities. This could help us evaluate if it would be valuable to implement a few ideas, including assist the students for a YCT test, and offer Chinese story telling presentations, etc.) Please give us a few minutes to go through the survey and return with your feedback. We will highly appreciate it.
Principal: Farong Zhu
Vice Principal: Serena Li
Dec. 17, 2023
Hi all,
Just like to remind everybody, there's NO school TODAY. We had a great time yesterday. Appreciate everyone made your attendance to the party, and provided solid support to make such a great event. Next, enjoy the holidays and have a great family time! We will be back to the normal school day on Jan 7. Looking forwared to seeing everyone recharged in the New Year!
Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
Principal: Farong Zhu
Vice principal: Serena Li
Dec. 15, 2023
在期待准备明天的活动的同时,我们很想跟大家提出几个在明天活动时的行为约束的要求。Morningside Baptist Church有很好的教会环境,空间很大,设备也很齐全,很漂亮。我们要爱护这个机会,这个场地,给教会人员留下好的印象,会帮助我们今后还有机会租用场地。请家长们明天看顾好孩子们,让他们不要在教会里到处乱跑。我们的活动空间主要在Chapel Hall和gym。表演在Chapel,午餐在gym。两个场地还有点距离。请家长和老师们尽量让孩子们在这两个地方活动,不要跑得太远,不要破坏墙壁和物品。万一出现物品被损坏的情况,请告诉学校的老师,不要隐瞒。我们会尽力处理。
Hi everyone,
While preparing for tomorrow's event, I really like to share my thoughts and propose a few rules to control our behaviors while in the church.
The Morningside is a very nice facility, spacious and elegant. Let's try our best to maintain the neatness of this environment, and leave a good impression to the church staffs, so we may keep our future opportunity to come back to the facility again. As parents, please watch your kids closely, so they don't run wildly. We have two main locations inside the church, the Chapel (Spanish Ministry)and the gym. We will have the stage performance in Chapel, and have the lunch in the gym. There's a connection between these two locations from inside the facility, and they 're not next to each other. So please try to constrain our activities mainly in these two locations, don't run too far, and take care any items inside the facility. If in case something gets damaged, please be transparent to the school staffs. We will try to handle it.
The teachers and the students have prepared for this event for a few weeks. If you don't have other conflicts, please try to stay until the end. We will have Meet Santa activity and Santa Claus will send out the goody bags to the kids. To watch the entire show indicates our respect to the teachers and the students whose programs are arranged in the later phase of the program. It happened many times in similar School parties that the program reached 2/3 of the entire show, only a few families remained in their seats, and most of the seats were empty. We hope we can do better this time.
The program agenda is attached below. The time duration is roughly estimated. It could be conservative, just for your reference.
Looking forward to a great event tomorrow! See you all!
Principal: Farong Zhu
Vice principal: Serena Li
Dec. 12, 2023
上周我们结束了这个学期最后一次课。接下来这个周六12月16日(请注意是周六,不是周日)会有我们的圣诞庆祝会,在Morningside Baptist Church,是不同的教会,不是平时中文学校所在的教会,不要搞错了。请大家准时按照各班老师的要求到活动场地。集体时间安排如下:
午餐:11:30am-1:00pm in the gym
节目表演:1:30-3:30pm in Chapel Hall
场地:Morningside Baptist Church
地点:1115 Pelham Road, Greenville SC 29615
Hi everyone,
This Saturday, we will have our Christmas Party. Please do remember this is Saturday Dec 16, not Sunday. The event venue is not the church we typically go for the School, it is Morningside Baptist Church. Here's the detail of the event
Lunch: 11:30am-1:00pm in the gym
Performance: 1:30-3:30pm in Chapel Hall
Event Venue: Morningside Baptist Church
Address: 1115 Pelham Road, Greenville SC 29615
Attached is the performance agenda for your reference. Please come to the venue per your teacher's request, or if you're going to volunteering, please come on time for the volunteer work.
Also last week we're done with our last regular school day before Christmas. We will be back to School on Jan 7th.
Thank you and see you this Saturday!
Principal: Farong Zhu
Vice Principal: Serena Li
Dec. 2, 2023
Hi 各位家长,
如果您还没有做问卷调查,请务必在明天完成。 https://forms.gle/MXUf7zhYzRJvxjx18
我们建议大家尽量参加。如果需要car pool,请向老师提出来。我们争取能帮助大家协调。谢谢!
Dear parents,
If you haven't done the survey, please do so by tomorrow. https://forms.gle/MXUf7zhYzRJvxjx18
On Dec 16., other than the stage performance, we will provide FREE lunch. I do apologize I didn't make it clear. We recommend every family makes good arrangement and try to attend the event. If anyone need a car pool, please let the teachers know, so we can help everyone find the car pool partners.
Thank you!
Nov. 19, 2023
感恩节将至,想利用这个节日的机会来表达我们的感谢!感谢这几个月来大家的支持,坚持送孩子来学校学习,给孩子们一个跟平日学校不一样的经历;感谢家长们每周轮流提前来学校为孩子们摆放桌椅,准备好上课的装备,下课督促带领孩子们在家学习,坚持创造中文文化对他们影响的机会;感谢孩子们对参加中文学校活动的兴趣和行动;也感谢The Fold Church提供我们这样的机会使用他们的场地,而且宽带我们。祝大家感恩节快乐!
时间:11:30-1:00 午餐,1:30-3:30 节目表演
地点:Morningside Baptist Church, 1115 Pelham Rd, Greenville SC 29615
Hello everyone!
There's no school next Sunday 11/26. Enjoy the family time!
Thanksgiving holiday is coming. We would like to express our sincerely appreciation to our school families for your deep involvement to the School since Fall. We thank the parents for sending your children to the School consistently, and opening the opportunity for them to have a different experience from their daily school. We thank you for taking the turns every week to be the on-duty parents and make the School functional, and after school, you encourage and lead your children to learn Chinese and give them more or less culture influence. We thank our students who keep their interest in Chinese School and are willing to come and learn. We thank The Fold Church's generous collaboration to open their door and allow us to use their facility as our gathering place. With these thanks in mind, wish everyone have a great Thanksgiving holiday!
Last week we have announced the Christmas Party date. Here we'd like to give you more detail information about the party.
When: 11:30-1:00 Lunch, 1:30-3:30 Celebration performance
Where: Morningside Baptist Church, 1115 Pelham Rd, Greenville SC 29615
We also sent a link https://forms.gle/MXUf7zhYzRJvxjx18 for a survey so we can get the head count for the attendance and prepare enough food during the event. We're also looking for volunteers to help set up the tables and chairs, distribute the food, manage the stage and coordinate the student performance, and finally clean up the venue. Please give your hands if you can, so we together make a great and enjoyable event. The survey is to be closed by 12/3.
Thank you all!
Principal: Farong Zhu
Vice Principal: Serena Li
Nov. 11, 2023
年底圣诞和新年的庆祝会日期有变动。原本计划在12月17日举办活动现在改为12月16日。很有幸Morningside Baptist Church愿意为我们提供活动场所,但教会周日有主日活动,场地空不出来,唯一可能的就是周六。所以我们决定把活动时间提前一天,这样大家可以早点利用周末时间为节日做准备。Morningside Baptist church是个坐落在Pelham路上的一个教会,希望给我们跟往年略微不一样的经历。在活动当天我们会根据惯例提供午餐,之后各班老师带领学生们用节目表演的形式总结这一学期的学习成果,共同迎接圣诞节和新年的到来。具体活动安排我们会很快公布。请您和家人尽量安排时间参加这个活动,学校一年仅有两次孩子们登台表演的机会,千万不要错过。
Dear School families,
There's a change in the date of the Christmas party. We initially planned to have the event on Dec 17, and not it is changed to Dec. 16. We 're very lucky to have Morningside Baptist Church's offer that we can use one of their facilities for this event. Due to the conflict of the Sunday church service, we have to use the facility on Saturday instead of Sunday. So we decide to have the event one day ahead of the original schedule. The Morningside Baptist Church is located on Pelham Road, we hope it gives us a little different experience than the past. On the event day, we will serve the lunch for the families as usual (~11:30-1:00), and it will be followed by a stage performance (1:30-3:30) led by each teacher, to summarize the learning over the fall semester, and celebrate Christmas and New year. We will let you know the further details soon. Please reserve the date and try your best to make it since this is one of the only two opportunities over a school year for the students to show up on the stage. Don't miss it!
For the planning purpose, we would like to get a head count for the event. Please click here to sign up. The survey includes the question if you would like to volunteer for the event. Please help if you can. The survey will be closed by Dec. 3. Thank you!
Principal: Farong Zhu
Vice Principal: Serena Li
NOV. 6, 2023
Hello everyone!
We will start a new parent-on-duty cycle from this coming Sunday. To extend the cycle longer, we decide to arrange 2 families instead of 3 for a single school day. This is based on the experience from the last duty cycle when, with two+ families & the school administrators, we were able to finish the school set-up in 30mins. We really appreciate your contribution to make the school functional.
Through observing the parent-on-duty in the first cycle, we would like to call for more active participation from dads. We saw that a quarter of the on duty work was done by dads, and the rest were mainly by moms. If Sunday afternoons would not influence dads' Sunday activities, we all welcome you to come to the school, share the work load with moms, not only send/pick up the kids, but also exercise your muscles and help school set up. Moms, please encourage your significant other to help parent-on-duty work.
Lastly, here's the announcement for Parent Fortum -- we will take a break for the Forum. The past Parent Forum seminars were well acknowledged by the participants, and the concept and experiences shared were very helpful to the families. In the meanwhile, it required work from the School administrators, and required parents' time to participate. We think taking a break could help us better prepare for the next activity and gain good participation rate from community families. We will come back to the Forum in the new year.
Have a good week!
OCT. 25, 2023
上周日下午除了正常的中文学校课程,在The Fold Church后面的大房间里我们还有一个很温馨的聚会。治贤、方智和建花跟几位家长坐在一起讨论如何在爱中管教孩子,基础是要无条件地接纳孩子。爱的‘语言’,既可以是肯定的言语也可以是服务的行动,既可以是精心准备的时刻,也可以是呈现对方喜爱的礼物,每个人都有自己喜好的爱的语言,了解了这些,就可以选择合适的方式向对方呈现爱的‘语言’。大家讨论了很多具体的例子,非常亲切温暖的氛围。如果您错过了这一讲,这个周日还有最后一讲,如何说孩子会听?如何跟青少年沟通?如何管理自己的情绪?欢迎大家周日三点来The Fold Church加入。报名请点击链接。谢谢!
Last Sunday afternoon, other than the normal classes, in the back room of The Fold Church, we had a cozy gathering. Ms Terrie, Mr. Fang and Ms Jianhua circled with a few parents to brain storm how to efficiently implement disciplines to the children -- the key answer is to discipline with unconditional love. As to the love language, it could be words of affirmation, or act of service, or quality time, or receiving gifts, etc. What we need to do is to discover which language the loved ones really like, and use them to express your love. A lot of real life examples and experiences were discussed. If you missed that conversation, please join the one in the coming Sunday. It is the last Parenting seminar, includes
How to say Kids can listen?
Communication with teens
Emotion management
Please sign up through here. See you Sunday afternoon at 3pm at The Fold Church.
Oct. 18, 2023
爱和接纳,管教,爱的语言,如何说孩子会听 (10月22日)
与孩子的沟通/引导,情绪管理 (10月29日)
我们也预留了11月5日来为这个讲座结尾,当然会根据进展情况及时调整讲座时间。为了帮助讲员做好准备,请点击这里报名。也请您在周日10月22日下午3:00准时到The Fold Church参加。谢谢!
Dear parents,
I hope everyone had a great fall break! The gorgeous fall colors will keep up for another few weeks. If you haven't enjoyed it, go and catch it up! In the meanwhile, the school will be resumed this Sunday. While you do family outing in the weekend, don't forget to help your students to complete the homework.
This Sunday, other than resuming the lessons, the Parent Forum will be on as well. Three weeks ago, Ms Terrie and the brothers and sisters from GCCC church started the first seminar regarding 'Parenting' theme, focused on The foundation in raising a child -- the marital and family bond. They also introduced a tool named DISC to help you categorize an individual's behavior. Terrie left the homework of applying the tool to yourself and to your family members so you know what category yours and theirs are falling into. If you came to the seminar last time, please don't forget to complete this homework. By knowing the behavior category of your beloved ones, it would help you understand better in the following sessions:
Love and acceptance/discipline, love languages & how to talk so the kids can listen (Oct 22)
Communication with children and teens; emotion management (Oct.29)
We have also reserved Nov. 5 for the possible remaining contents to finish it up, including Q & A. Of course, we will make adjustment according to the needs. To allow the presenter well prepare for the materials, we're still requesting you to sign up through this link. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday at 3pm at The Fold Church.
In the meanwhile, we would like to give another big applause to Dr. Fu on his seminar 'How to set up a long term development plan for your child and prepare for college application'. We had really high participation rate. We appreciate your interest! If you have attended the seminar and would like to have the copy of the presentation materials, please send an email request to gvlchineseschool01@gmail.com by Oct 22. We do not encourage you to share the materials with others. The same logic applies to the 'Parenting' seminars. Just please remember to clarify which topic you're interested in your email request. Thanks!
SEPT. 28, 2023
请大家点击这里来预定您的座位。希望周日在The Fold Church (1313b Miller Road, Greenville SC 29607)见到您! 讲座在3:00开始。
The theme of the 2nd seminar of Parent Forum activity will be on parenting. Ms Terie Fang, Ms Cuiye Chen, Ms Jianhua Li and Mr Chi Fang will be the presenters. They successfully led the seminar in the Greenville Chinese Christian Church (GCCC) in the past with the same parenting topics, and their presentations were very practical with many good examples. Don't miss it again! Even if you attended last time in GCCC, you are strongly encouraged to join again. To build these philosophies deeply in your mind requires repetitions and practices in the daily life. The philosophies include
The foundation in raising a child -- the marital and family bond
Love and acceptance/discipline, love languages & how to talk so the kids can listen
Communication with children and teens; emotion management
To help interpret these concepts and philosophies, the DISC tool (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance) will be introduced to help categorize your and family members' individual behaviors.
Please click here to sign up to reserve your seat. We're looking forward to seeing you at The Fold Church (1313b Miller Road, Greenville SC 29607) at 3pm.
SEPT. 18, 2023
Hi everyone,
Really appreciate your active participation in today's seminar. We have over 40 parents joined the seminar. Let's give a big applause to Dr. Fu for his excellent presentation today. We appreciate that he generously shared his multiple years of research and interpretation in the education strategy of the primary and secondary school in the US with the community families. For those who joined this seminar, you were lucky to catch this treasure. For those you missed, welcome you come to the School more often and feel the warmness of the community environment. We're together! We also would like to express our sincere appreciation to the parents who were on duty today. They were the ones who prepared the room and maintained the order for this seminar.
If you are asking for the presentation materials, unfortunately, we would not be able to share publicly. But if you have joined the seminar, and have the interest to have it as your reference, we will send you a copy. But please send your request through email. The deadline is 9/23. Some parents also asked for the 2nd session. Thanks Dr Fu his generosity to share his time again on 10/8. Please mark your calendar and the seminar will start at 3pm.
In the meanwhile, we're preparing for the 2nd topic - Parenting. Luckily, Ms Terrie Fang, Ms Jianghua Li and Ms Cuiye Chen are willing to share their time with us on this topic. They have organized the seminar with the same topic in Greenville Chinese Christian Church in the past, and was highly acknowledged. The seminar might need to be split into a few sessions and the first session will be on 10/1. To help them prepare for it, please click https://forms.gle/3eVy2kurXE6e5UCv7 to take the survey. Again, we encourage you to join us and don't miss the great resource to help your family in the life journey.
Sept. 11, 2023
Dear parents,
Thanks for your interest in sending your children to the School! As promised, the School offers the last lesson opportunity to have the children try out the classes this coming Sunday. This is to stabilize the learning and teaching environment for both the students and the teachers, and also help the school administration.
In the meanwhile, the tuition payment is due this Sunday as well. If you haven't paid, or just partially paid, please don't forget to bring checks or cash to make it up this Sunday afternoon. Better to be the first session since the administrative staffs may not be available during the seminar time.
Another reminder is the seminar on 9/17 as the first Parent Forum activity, the topic is about How to help the children build up a long term development plan, and prepare for the college application. Please don't forget to send the survey response. We prefer you to take the survey especially when you're interested in joining the seminar. The space is limited, and we need to make sure there's enough space for you.
Thank you and looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!
SePt. 4, 2023
论坛第一讲将在9月17日下午3:00于The Fold Church举行,由对美国中小学教育思路很有研究的傅永强博士带领,主要定格在——如何帮助孩子制定长远的学习和成长计划,协助大学申请。欢迎关注这个话题的家长朋友积极参加。演讲可以涵盖很多内容,比如
The School is planning to open a Parent Forum. This Forum is a platform to allow the parents and the community families to exchange ideas and discuss interesting topics, and help build the bond between families within the community. The activities could be in various formats.
The first activity will be a seminar at 3pm on Sept 17 at The Fold Church. Dr. Yongqiang Fu will lead the seminar, and the topic is on How to help your child define a long term development plan and prepare for college application. Dr Fu has good experience in analyzing the American primary and secondary education system, and he would like to share with you his views, and particularly, how this preparation could assist the college application. Welcome those who are interested in this topic join the seminar and ask your questions. Per the needs from the participants, the seminar could be in Chinese, in English, or both. Please let Dr. Fu know your preference in the survey here.
The 2nd topic is still in planning, which is about parenting philosophy - Build up a good parent-child relationship in the child-raising journey. The date is to be determined. Stay tuned!
To plan for future activities, please brainstorm with us and share your thoughts and recommend activity leaders if you can. We're looking forward to your participation in these activities!
Aug. 27, 2023
今天第二次课。如果您仍然有兴趣为您的孩子注册,一点不会晚。请到The Fold Church 在学校上课期间来注册(1:30-5:00)。我们除了各个年级的中文课,还有数学课,手工课,国际象棋俱乐部,还有功夫课和舞蹈课。大部分的课程和老师已经在老师的网页上做了介绍。即便我们还没有完全完成这些老师和课程的介绍,这些内容也是您很好的参考资料。同时我们会解答您的问题。谢谢!
Dear parents,
Today is the 2nd lesson day. If you are still interested in different classess the School is offering, It's never been late. Please come to The Fold Church during the School class time (1:30-5:00) for registration. We are offering not only Chinese, but also math, visual arts, chess, and Chinese Kongfu and children dance. We have completed most of the introduction to the teachers and the courses they offer on our website. Please click the link to know about them. Even though, there're more to do, the available materials should be a good reference for you to know about our team and the courses. If you do have more questions, we will be happy to answer. Thank you!
If your child is interested in the Chess club, there's one change I'd like you to be aware of. We have increased the club fee from $100 to $175 for the whole year. The coach Eric will not only assist the chess games, but also present some basic techniques and strategies. The effort is no less than the regular 2nd period class at all. So we decide to collect the standard amount for the club fee to make it fair. We appreciate your understanding and support.
Thank you!
Aug. 20, 2023
Now that most of our teachers have been introduced,please click here to know more about our team. The link on the teachers' names will lead you to the introduction to their profile and the class they are offering, or you can directly click the link below to know more.
B1 数学 I (Math I): 谢经纬博士 Dr Chingwei Shieh
B2 数学 II (Math II): 丁忠满博士 Dr Zhongman Ding
B3 中学数学竞赛(Math Count): 赵巍博士 Dr Wei Zhao
C4 少儿功夫和球类运动 (Chinese Kongfu and sports): 刘罡博士 Dr Logan Liu
B6 国际象棋俱乐部 (Chess Club):石了了 Eric Shi
B5 少儿舞蹈 (Children Dance): Fiona Wong & Kayleigh Earnest
Aug.18, 2023
C4: 少儿武术和球类运动,由刘罡(Logan Liu)老师和李一恒(Mary Adams)老师带领。请查看详情。
B6: 国际象棋俱乐部:由石了了(Eric Shi)带领。请点击这里认识Eric。
3. AC1 中文汇话班分成两个小班AC1a和AC1b,方便给予更多的时间加强老师和学生的互动。
4. 几节授课时间稍有调整,教室平面图请看这里。
1:30-2:55pm: AC1a, AK, A1, A3, A4, A6
3:00-4:25pm: AC1b, AC2
3:00-3:55pm: B1, B2, B3, B4, B6(Chess)
4:00-4:55pm: C3, C4(Kongfu)
5. 家长值日日历请点击这里,从下周末8/27正式开始。
Thanks for the collaboration during the 1st day of school last Sunday! Everything went well. Some of you may miss the event. Don’t miss the first class day this Sunday 8/20.
We would like to make a few adjustments on the class offering.
1. New programs are offered:
C4 Chinese Kongfu as a formal class, to be instructed by Logan Liu and Mary Adams. Click here to see the details.
B6 Chess club: to be led by Eric Shi. Please click here to know Eric's story.
2. AC1 class will be split into 2 as AC1a and AC1b for better teacher and student interaction.
3. Class schedule is slightly adjusted due to limited class room availability. The classroom layout is updated here.
1:30-2:55pm: AC1a, AK, A1, A3, A4, A6
3:00-4:25pm: AC1b, AC2
3:00-3:55pm: B1, B2, B3, B4, B6
4:00-4:55pm: C3, C4
4. The parent-on-duty schedule is posted here and to be formally started on 8/27.
Aug.12, 2023
Dear Chinese school families,
It is super exciting that our 1st day of school is coming this Sunday on Aug 13. Please do bring your children and the registration forms to the school. If you have not started the registration online, and are interested in joining the school or know more about the school, please come to the school as well at The Fold Church (1313b Miller Road, Greenville SC 29607).
To make the registration more efficient, we plan to arrange the 1st school day as below:
1) Meet the teachers, 1:30pm-2:30pm. Please keep in mind that 1:30 is the starting time for all A & B & C class types. Your teachers will be waiting in the assigned room.
2) Registration: once you and your children meet the teachers, please come to the registration desk to turn in the medical release form, pay the tuition (if you haven’t), and get your receipts.
The 1st day classroom layout is as below. Please do remember, the regular school day classroom layout will be different from this TEMPORARY layout. I will send the regular layout next week.
This is to allow the teachers to communicate with the parents and the students, and help the parents find out if their initial sign-up classes fit their children's needs. If any change is needed, it can be corrected before filling in the form and paying the tuition. This doesn't mean after paying the tuition, everything is fixed. We will still open the opportunity to change until 4th school day on Sept 17 (we particularly extend the class try-out for one more week). Also we will NOT send the text books on the 1st day.
Beyond the 1st day school announcement, I'd like to grab your few more minutes attention. I hope we have advertised our school broadly, but we could still miss some opportunities to share our stories. To be able to make the school survive, we have to have sufficient students to register. So please help advertise the school to your friends and families.
To make it transparent, so far, we only have 59 class sign-ups, which is 50% lower than last year. Some classes only have 1 or 2 sign-ups. By Sept 17, if there would be only 2 or 1 sign-ups in one class, we would cancel this class for the whole school year.
Our teachers are awesome, either with rich teaching experience, or with high level education degrees, or both. For example, the math class teachers are all PhDs in Science or Engineering. It is a super great opportunity to engage with such background teachers. I will soon post more information on our teachers on our website. We also appreciate our teachers devote their time to support our community. Also if you have interest in contributing to the school (teaching or administration), please contact us.
Finally, appreciate your attention to read this long email. Looking forward to seeing you in The Fold church at 1:30pm on Sunday.
P.S. due to the long email, we will send the email in English and in Chinese, separately.
Farong Zhu, Principal
大家好!开学第一天将至,做为老师我们既紧张又激动----不知道这个学年会有多少家庭关注并加入我们的学校;也不知道修订的办学方案会不会带来好的教学效果。期待尽快能得到一些答案。这个周日8月13日下午,请大家带着孩子和注册表格来The Fold Church(1313b Miller Road, Greenville SC 29607)完成注册。如果您还没有做过网上注册,仍然有兴趣送孩子来学校跟其他孩子和老师打交道,并不晚,也请带着孩子加入。具体安排如下:
1) 师生见面,1:30pm-2:30pm。所有A、 B 、C课程的老师都会在指定的教室等待你们,希望跟家长和孩子有所交流,了解注册的课程是否合适。您也可以询问老师的教学计划。
2) 完成注册:师生见面后,确定您的孩子的课程选择合理,请填好注册表格签上字,到注册处交表交费并拿收据。(注意:第一次课不发教科书)