Mary Li Adams
李一恒, 毕业于西安外国语学院(现名为西安外国语大学),同年留校教授大学英语。全国公共英语口语考官。2007年— 至今为“领袖资源国际”做培训现场口译和教材翻译,已翻译教师培训教材8本,基督徒婚姻辅导书1本。2009年任教于西安国际学校,至今一直教授对外汉语。热爱武术,陆续在中国和美国接受中国武术培训6年。2019年在佛罗里达Friendship Alliance Church 开设武术培训班。2020-2023年全职在家教育儿子K5 – 2年级课程,儿子的各科成绩优异,成为妈妈最大的自豪。
After graduating from Xi’an International Studies University (previously called Xi’an Foreign languages University), Mary was honored to become an English teacher at her university. Since 2007, Mary has been doing translation work for a Christian mission organization. It has been a privilege and joy for Mary to translate eight different pieces of their training curriculum. One year before coming to America, Mary started to teach both English and Chinese after getting a Chinese teacher’s job at Xi’an International School, where she taught Chinese to high schoolers and primary students. Chinese kung fu has been a fascinating sport to Mary since she was young. After six years of learning Chinese kung fu at two Chinese kung fu schools in China and learning from two kung fu teachers in America, Mary was able to start a Chinese kung fu class in 2019 at Friendship Alliance Church, Callahan, Florida, which greatly enriched her experience in kung fu. As a mom, Mary homeschooled her son Isaac from kindergarten through second grade before Isaac went to a private school this year. God is still using Mary to influence people in her life through her God-given gift in languages in her teaching and translation work.