Logan Liu
Logan Liu, an Engingeering PhD from The Ohio State Univeristy, a senior engineer in the Conventional Energy field, specialized in mechanical design, and is currently working for GE Gas Power. Logan is an alumni of Qsinghua University in China. In his spare time, he loves to connect with Chinese community and enjoy the culture traditions. He is currently serving as the President of Greenville Chinese Culture Association (GCCA), and used to the board chair of GCCA. You should be able to see him shout out in Greenville Chinese community social media once a while for exciting culture events.
Logan has been strongly supporting Chinese School as an elementary math teacher, also taught Chinese Kongfu for the children. He loves playing sports, is very energetic. He has just openned a Kongfu and sports class this year for the School, which is intended to inspire the students' interest in sports and burn their energy after the long School hours.
Logan enjoys learning Kongfu movements since his childhood. A few years ago, he met a kongfu master who was the head of one of the Southern Shaolin Monostaries, and learned a few Shaolin Long Fist movements. He would like to take the opportunity to demonstrate the power of the Chinese Kongfu to the students. Does this sound interesting to you? Still hesitating?