
Yan Qin


秦燕,本科毕业于复旦大学, 在复旦大学获得管理科学学士学位, 并于美国佛罗里达大学获得其工商管理博士学位,专攻运营与供应链管理。秦燕老师在美国多所AACSB认证的大学担任教职已有超过8年的时间,一直保有优异的学生评价。她对教育充满热情,总是愿意投入额外的时间和精力来确保所有学生都能得到个性化的关注,并满足他们在学习过程中的独特需求。 

Ms. Yan Qin received her bachelor's degree in management science from Fudan University, one of the most prestigious universities in China, and her Ph.D. degree in Business Administration from the University of Florida, specializing in Operations and Supply Chain Management. Ms. Yan Qin has over 8 years of teaching experience at AACSB-accredited universities in the United States with outstanding student course evaluations. Teaching has been one of the greatest passions of her life. She is always willing to put in extra time and effort to make sure that all students receive individualized attention and have their unique needs met in the learning process.