
Tina Guo




来到美国后,作为两个孩子的母亲, 我跟大家一样,想让孩子通过在中文学校学习了解更多的中国文化。在这里孩子们中文水平得到了提高,还交到了很多朋友。那时我就决定要加入中文学校的教师队伍中来。因为中文学校为格林维尔的孩子们搭建了一个展现自我,提高自我和了解中华文化的平台。作为一个身在异乡的华人,我很骄傲能为中华文化的传承与发扬献上自己的微薄之力。 

Tina, a loyal supporter of Chinese School of Greenville. She started to teach in the School since 2016 and was the teacher for various Chinese class grades, Pin Yin, Chinese caligraphy, etc. She well understands the needs of her students and has developed her own teaching philosophy. She will be the 3rd grade teacher this year. 

Let's read the story Tina shares about herself...

It is my 8th year serving for Chinese School of Greenville. Before coming to the US, I worked as a flight attendant in a foreign airline company and flew between countries. At the time, my dream was to visit every corner of the globe and feel the various cultures.

After settled in the US, as a two-children's mom, I have no difference from many of you that I expect my children to get to know Chinese culture from the Chinese School, where they can learn the language and in the meanwhile make friends. When my children joined the tide of learning Chinese, I joined the School to teach Chinese. I believe, the School is a great platform for the children to expose themselves, improve themselves with knowing more about China and the culture, and gain the confidence with their uniqueness. 

As a Chinese living oversea, I am proud of myself being able to influence the culture heritage and promote cultural traditions.